This featured artists show runs February 26 – March 26, 2023. Exhibiting artists include Jan Kurtz, Brenda Wood, Elaine Woodward and Dannis Young.

Jan Kurtz. The scenes and subjects from our coastal environment weave through her thoughts and make their way into the art she creates. Her paintings reflect the things that draw her attention to the diverse life around us. She also creates things to wear, jewelry, and silk scarves. She is drawn to sea glass, ocean colors and shiny crystals and pearls.

Brenda Wood uses gourds to create whimsical Birds and”Gourd Story Boards” whose expressions will surely bring a smile or a giggle.

In “Expressions” (2023) Elaine Woodward has created watercolors using a random pouring technique and her favorite color palette. It’s always exciting to see where it leads! A new style for her in acrylic will be on display as well.

Dannis Young has been a Woodturner for most of his life (40+ years) and 90% of his turnings are made from spalted material. Spalting is the end result that creates beautiful lines and patterns throughout the wood (from the decomposing of saprotropic mushrooms.)